The South Africa Wedding Directory is here to help every bride and groom to be. This is a comprehensive online directory which will point you in the right direction to assist you in achieving your perfect wedding.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Trougids is hier om elke bruid en bruidegom te help. Hierdie is ‘n omvattende aanlyngids wat u in die regte rigting sal lei en bystaan sodat u die perfekte troudag kan hê.
Planning your dream wedding is not just as easy as 1,2,3 … but we are here to help you find the right company to make your dream happen.
Om ‘n droomtroue te beplan is nie so maklik soos 1,2,3 nie … maar ons is hier om u te help om die regte besighede te vind sodat u droom bewaarheid kan word.
We created this directory to give you various choices for makeup and hair, wedding cakes and caterers, florists, wedding photographers and video, wedding co-ordinators, marquees and tents, accommodation, and more in South Africa.
Ons het hierdie gids geskep om u verskillende keuses te bied vir hare en grimmering, troukoeke, spyseniering, bloemiste, troufoto- en videograwe, trou-koördineerders, marques en tente, akkommodasie, en vele meer in Suid-Afrika.
Your wedding venue could perhaps be the most important decision of any wedding – whether you are looking at a farm wedding, beach, in the countryside, or just a few kilometres from your own backyard, you can be sure to find it on the South Africa Wedding Directory. Our clients are carefully selected when advertising to ensure they provide the best.
U trou venue kan dalk die belangrikste keuse wees van die hele troue – hetsy u ‘n venue op die plaas, strand, platteland of net ‘n paar kilometer weg vanaf u eie agterplaas verkies, kan u seker wees dat u dit in die Suid-Afrikaanse Trougids sal vind.
Health and beauty is a priority too when planning your special day. Hair and makeup artists, nail technicians, makeovers, health and beauty spas … you name it, the South Africa Wedding Directory has a variety of businesses listed in each category for you to choose from.
Gesond- en Skoonheid is definitief ‘n prioriteit as jy jou spesiale dag beplan. Haar- en grimeerkunstenaars, naeltegnikuste, gesond- en skoonheidsspa’s… watookal die trouverskaffer is waarna u verlang, die Suid-Afrikaanse Trougids het ‘n verkeidenheid besighede gelys in elke kategorie om van te kies en te keur.
There are some great honeymoon destinations advertised in the Travel Services category which will help you find the best travelling choice to suit your taste and budget.
Daar is asemrowende wittebroodbestemmings geadverteer in die Reisdienste en Agentskappe kategorie wat u sal help om die beste reis keuse te vind vir elke smaak en begroting.
South Africa is a fantastic destination for both wedding entertainment and honeymoon accommodation. With stunning landscapes, vibrant cultures, and world-class hospitality, there's something for everyone in this beautiful country. Whether you're looking to dance the night away with live bands and DJs at your wedding reception or relax in a luxurious safari lodge for your honeymoon, South Africa has it all. From the cosmopolitan city of Cape Town to the wilds of Kruger National Park, there are endless options for couples seeking an unforgettable celebration or romantic getaway.
Suid-Afrika is 'n fantastiese bestemming vir beide trouvermaak en wittebroodverblyf. Met asemrowende landskappe, lewendige kulture en wêreldklas-gasvryheid, is daar iets vir almal in hierdie pragtige land. Of jy nou die nag wil dans met lewendige bands en platejoggies by jou huweliksonthaal of in 'n luukse safari-lodge wil ontspan vir jou wittebrood, Suid-Afrika het alles. Van die kosmopolitiese stad Kaapstad tot die wildernis van die Krugerwildtuin, daar is eindelose opsies vir paartjies wat op soek is na 'n onvergeetlike viering of romantiese wegbreek.
Have a look at our Articles section for other hints, tips and advice in planning your big day. The articles cover ideas from jewellery, sensible budgets to music ideas, and of course the perfect honeymoon destinations.
Loer gerus na ons Artikel-seksie vir wenke en advies om u groot dag te beplan. Die artikels bevat idees van juwele, sinvolle begrotings tot inligting rakende troumusiek, en natuurlik die perfekte wittebroodbestemmings.
For further information on wedding planning across South Africa, please see the business directory, or if you have an applicable business you are able to add your own free business listing.
Sien asseblief die besigheidsgids vir meer inligting rakende troubeplanning regoor Suid-Afrika. Indien u ‘n toepaslike besigheid het wat u graag wil adverteer, kan u ‘n betaalde volblad-advertensie versoek, of ‘n gratis advertensie plaas.
For further information on wedding planning across South Africa, please see the business directory.